Personal Injury Lawyer Blog | SteinLaw


What You Should Know About Winning a Slip or Trip and Fall Lawsuit

Slip, trip, and fall accidents are more common than you might imagine, happening in stores, restaurants, and even on city sidewalks. In most cases, these accidents are not the fault of the victim, because the law requires buildings, businesses, walkways, and parking lots to be maintained for safety. However, it can be difficult to prove


Gas Explosions: Who Is Liable for Damages?

When natural gas, methane, hydrogen, and other types of flammable gases are ignited, it results in a gas explosion. These incidents can be devastating for both human life and the environment.  A 2018 report by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) states that natural gas explosions are responsible for roughly 4,200 house fires each year.


Who Is Responsible In a Bridge Collapse and What Should You Do?

Most people take bridges for granted. After all, if the infrastructure of Venice (which is centuries old and literally submerged in water) is still standing, surely modern bridges are safe. Especially for city dwellers, bridges are a dime a dozen and an important part of the daily commute. But sometimes our engineering systems fail to


The 10 Worst Cruise Ship Accidents and Mishaps

Most of the cruise ship incidents reported in the news involve a property damage or a handful of people. Some, however, stand out for their sheer magnitude. Our list includes the worst of the worst. The billion-dollar industry leaves passengers with fond memories and fun adventures, but the following incidents paint an all too possible


Why Do I Need a Florida Negligent Security Lawyer?

Security is a major factor when choosing a property to rent. But what if a security breach happens and either you or your loved one is injured? Can you hold the property owner accountable for the insecurity breach? Well, yes you can! Property owners are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of their


Are you a Self Insured Driver?

Florida Car Insurance can be Confusing Believe it or not, you may be considered an uninsured driver in Florida, even if you have car insurance! Any responsible person insures their car, in case of an accident. But, in Florida, the bare minimum insurance does not require you to purchase protection from some very basic accident


What to Know About Underinsured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM/UIM)

Underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage, also known as UM or UIM coverage is automobile liability coverage which may help pay for damages or injuries should you be in an accident caused by someone with no automobile insurance or a hit-and-run driver.  In some states, uninsured motorist coverage is required, but in Florida it is optional;


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